Kivicare Medical Services
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Health CheckUp
A usual full-body health check-up is made up of blood and urine tests lungs function tests, and cardiac test.
An X-ray is an imaginaring test that produces pictures of the organs, tissues, and bones of the body.
Blood Bank
Blood banking is the process that takes place in the lab to make sure that donated blood, or blood products.
Clinical lab services are tests on specimens from the body that are used to diagnose and treat patients.
Outdoor Checkup
Clinics / Hospitals of Outdoor Checkup Services, Emergency Care Service, Postoperative Care Service.
Emergency ambulance services have dedicated staff to handle medical conditions at any time anywhere.
Welcome to the world’s first IVF Treatment
Kivicare IVF Fertility specializes in various types of medical services. These services are categorized as follows:
- Time saving
- Use donated eggs/serms
- Control over timing
- Chance of healthy baby
- Decrease chance of miscarriage
- Increase conception chance
Age factor
Fertility clinic
Lifestyle factor
What Our
Patients Says
“I consistently anticipate consultations with Dr. Ayesha for my wife’s health, as she consistently offers personalized attention and patiently listens to all our concerns. Her professional approach and humble demeanor create a reassuring environment during each visit”
“I attribute my family’s well-being to the exceptional care provided by Dr. Ayesha. She played a crucial role in overseeing my health throughout the pregnancy and post-delivery period, ensuring that all my check-ups were diligently attended to. Dr. Ayesha’s unwavering accessibility and comforting demeanor made the entire experience truly memorable”
“We owe our joy and the health of our son to Dr. Ayesha. Her dedication to her patients goes beyond the call of duty, and her unwavering support has left an indelible mark on our family. I highly recommend Dr. Ayesha to anyone seeking a gynecologist who combines medical expertise with genuine compassion”