Dr. Ayesha

Opening Time

Mon – Fri            9.00 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday            9.00 am – 2.00 pm
Sunday             12.00 pm – 2.00 pm

Call : +91 73070 86702
Mail : docayeshaahmad@gmail.com
Address : Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Sarfarazganj, Hardoi Road, Lucknow-226003

Dr. Ayesha Ahmad

  1. Saambhavi, Nishad S, Kumari S, Khatoon F, Ahmad A, Gupta U. Association of primary dysmenorrhea with body mass index. Int J Acad Med Pharm. 2023; 5(4); 1677-1681 
  2. Saambhavi, Ahmad A, Faridi MMA, Singh A. Regular Medical Ethics Education Through Problem Based Learning. Asian Journal of Medical Research. 2023;12(2):16-19 
  3. Khan T, Ahmad A, Fatima B, Furqan S, Mushtaq E, Nawab T, Sharma KA. Introducing Birth Companion in Labour: A Quality Improvement Initiative. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India https://doi.org/10.1007/s13224-023-01780-w  
  4. Khan T, Mushtaq E, Khan F,  Ahmad A, Sharma KA. (January 31, 2023) Decreasing the Rate of Surgical Site Infection in Patients Operated by Cesarean Section in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India: A Quality Improvement Initiative. Cureus 15(1): e34439. DOI 10.7759/cureus.34439 
  5. Khan U, Nishad S, Kumari S, Ahmad A, Khatoon F, Zeba A. Cesarean Section Indications Using Modified Robson’s Criteria. Accepted for publication in Era J. Med. Res. 
  6. Saluja T., Khan T., Vasenwala S.M., Ali E., Ahmad A. A Comparative Study On Cervical Cancer Screening Method: Is Immuno-marker A Better Option?Era J. Med. Res. 2022; 9(1): X-X.  
  7. Ahmad A, Khatoon F, Singh A, Kumari S. Assessing The Need For A Population Based Screening for Thalassemia in Pregnancy: Systematic Analysis of Evidence from Uttar Pradesh. Assessing the Need for a Population-based Screening for Thalassemia in Pregnancy: Systematic Analysis of Evidence from Uttar Pradesh. J South Asian Feder Obst Gynae 2022;14(2):218–222.  
  8. Ahmad A, Khatoon F, Nishad S, Saambhavi, Sonam S. Exploring the incidence and causes of cesarean Delivery at term: Partially Mixed Concurrent quantitative and Qualitative analysis from a Medical College. BJMS. 2022;21(2): 284-290 
  9. Mehdi MA, Ahmad A, Singh A, Khan S, Singh S, Srivastava K. Comparison of Efficacy of Labetalol with Nifedipine in Patients of Severe Preeclampsia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2022; 14(1);345-355  
  10. Ahmad A, Gupta U. Perimortem Cesarean: An Update. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn  
  11. Ahmad A, Gupta U. Evaluation of Postpartum Headache. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2022;5(1):1-4.  
  12. Ahmad A, Khan T. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Crossing the Frontiers in Management. International Journal of Human and Health Sciences. 2022;6(4):362-371 
  13. Nishad S., Ahmad A., Gupta U., Singh S. Acute Pancreatitis in Pregnancy: Challenges. Era J. Med. Res. 2022; 9(2): 262-264.  
  14. Nishad S., Ahmad A., Gupta U., Srivastava S. Delayed Presentation of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in Postpartum Period. Era J. Med. Res. 2022; 9(2): 286-287.  
  15. Kumari S, Ahmad A, Khatoon F, Nishad S, Saambhavi. Pregnancy with pink blood: a case report. Era J. Med. Res. 2022; 9(1): 92-96.  
  16. Khatoon F., Singh A., Shamsi S., Ahmad A., Teotia N. (2021). Decision to delivery interval in emergency cesarean section and its association with perinatal outcome. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021;12(8), 100–104. https://doi.org/10.3126/ajms.v12i8.36316  
  17. Khan, T; Mushtaq, E; Khan, F; Ahmad, A; Sharma, A. Decreasing the rate of surgical site infection in the hospital. Abstract no. 2034. P.225. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2021) 
  18. Birth companion during labour: a quality improvement initiative for respectful maternity care . Khan, T; Ahmad, A; Fatima, B; Furqan, S; Mushtaq, E; Shaad, T; Sharma, A. Abstract no. 2038. P.225. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2021)  
  19. Rizvi S, Khatoon F, Ahmad A, Khan KA, Ekta, Singh K. Association of Menstrual Disorders with Body Mass Index in Undergraduate Medical Students. IJHHS. 2021;5(3):330-35 
  20. Khatoon F, Singh A, Jilani AQ, Ahmad A, Haq M, Pandey S. COVID-19 Pandemic and Mental Health of Doctors: An Observational Analytical Study From a Dedicated COVID Hospital. IJHHS. 2021;5(3):297-306 
  21. Khatoon F, Fatima M, Zaidi Z, Ahmad A. Domestic Violence During Pregnancy : Evaluating The Impact On Maternal and Perinatal Health – A Pilot Study In Uttar Pradesh. J Obstet Gynecol India (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13224-021-01463-4 
  22. Kumari S, Rizvi S, Singh A, Ahmad A, Kashiv S. Bardet Biedl syndrome in pregnancy: a case report. Era J. Med. Res. 2021; 8(1): 96-97.   
  23. Vashistha P, Kumari S, Ekta, Ahmad A, Parashari UC. Congenital Cytomegalovirus infection and its effects on the fetus: a case report. Era J. Med. Res. 2021; 8(1): 88-90.  
  24. Trehan N, Padiyath HR, Kaur A, Dhingra M, Shriya R, Ahmad A. Safety of Direct Trocar Entry in Laparosocpy in a Structured Fellowship Programme. IJHHS 2020;4(1):51-54 
  25. Singh A., Pandey K., Arya S., Ahmad A., Khatoon F. Role Of Interleukin-8 In Predicting Endometriosis In Patients With Chronic Pelvic Pain & Infertility. Era J. Med. Res. 2020; 7(2): 176-180.  
  26. Ahmad A, Khatoon F, Singh A, Verma S, Saambhavi. Evaluation of Foetal Cardiac Dysfunction As A Cause Of Unexplained Still-Birth in Diabetic Pregnancies. EJMR. 2020;7(1):107-110 
  27. Fatima B, Khan T, Ahmad A, Ahmad R, Akram N. Pregnancy with Crigler Najjar Syndrome: Management Dilemmas. IJHHS. 2020;4(1):60-62 
  28. Ahmed A, Siddiqui SS, Azim A, Muzaffar N, Saxena S, Agarwal A, Pandey A, Ahmad A, Mishra P, Agarwal M. Finding solutions to ending preventable maternal mortality; early transfer of critically ill obstetric patients to intensive care unit is associated with improved maternal mortality. International Journal of clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2019;3(6):145-9 
  29. Ahmad A, Nigam A, Kaur A. Principles of Electrosurgery in Laparoscopy. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2019;2(1)22-29 
  30. Kaur A, Ahmad A. Isthmocele: A Review of Management Options for this Novel Entity. International Journal of Human and Health Sciences. 2019;3(3):127-133 
  31. Kaur A, Ahmad A, Venous Air Embolism During Hysteroscopy: A Potentially Catastrophic Complication.  Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2019;2(2): 73-77 
  32. Fatima B, Ahmad A, Khan T, Rehman S, Akram N. Diagnostic Dilemma in Ovarian Ectopic Co-existing with Acute Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Pan Asian J Obs Gyn 2019;2(2):93-96 
  33. Ahmad A, Elahi AA, Nigam A, Kapoor R. Mentoring in Medicine: Introducing a structured programme in a Medical College in Delhi. BJMS. 2017;16(1):29-33 
  34. Nigam A, Ahmad A, Gaur D, Elahi AA, Batra S. Prevalence and risk factors for urinary incontinence in pregnant women during late third trimester. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016;5(7):2187-91 
  35. Ahmad A, Nigam A, Elahi AA, Jain R, Batra S. Emergency contraception: knowledge, attitude and practices among women in South Delhi, India. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2016;5(2): 411-414 
  36. Nigam A, Ahmad A. Autoantibody-associated congenital heart block: a rare cause of persistent fetal bradycardia. BMJ Case Reports 2015; doi: 10.1136/bcd-2015-209655 
  37. Jetley S, Khetrapal S, Ahmad A, Jairajpuri ZS. Atypical Proliferative Endometrioid Tumor of Ovary: Report of a Rare Case. Journal of Post Graduate Medicine. 2015;1:1-4 
  38. Jain R, Batra S, Ahmad A, Elahi AA, Gupta M, Saith P. Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma- A rare entity. Iran J Med Sci 2015;40(1):81-84 
  39. Ahmad A, Rabbani P, Kangaroo S, Shinde R, Khan T. Medical Ethics and Undergraduate Training: The Ground Reality and Remedial Action. International Journal of User Driven Health Care. 2015;1(5):47-54  
  40. Nigam A, Ahmad A, Sharma A, Saith P, Batra S. Post Part Intrauterine Device Refusal in Delhi: Reasons Analysed. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in India. 2015;122(2)99 
  41. Ahmad A, Rabbani TK, Kumar S. Epilepsy: Special Consideration inWomen. Int J Infertil Fetal Med 2015; 6(1):11-14. 
  42. Nigam A, Ahmad A, Gupta N, Kumari A. Malpositioned IUCD- Menace of Post Partum IUCD Insertion. BMJ Case Rep 2015. doi:10.1136/bcd-2015-211424 
  43. Nigam A, Ahmad A, Batra S. Absent endometrium due to balanced translocation [t(4;20)] presenting as primary amenorrhea. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2014;7(1):63-5. 
  44. Hakim S, Ahmad A, Jain M, Anees A. Unilateral Functional Uterine Horn with Non Functioning Rudimentary Horn and Cervico vaginal Agenesis: Case Report. BJMS. 2014;13(1): 101-04 
  45. Ahmad A, Batra S, Jain R, Nigam A. Restricted versus prolonged antibiotic usage in gynaecological practice. Int Res J Medical Sci 2014;2(8):1-4 
  46. Batra S, Ahmad A, Nigam A, Agarwal P. Prevention of cervical carcinoma. FOGSI Focus.2014 p 14-25 
  47. Ahmad A, Rabbani TK. Increasing Juvenile Delinquency: A Review of the Causes from An Obstetrician’s Perspective. TCOG 2014;1(1) 
  48. Nigam A, Ahmad A. Surrogacy: An Indian Perspective. TCOG 2014;1(1):e1 
  49. Ahmad A, Khan T, Dwivedi S, Kausar F. Introducing Medical Humanities-Use of Humour for Teaching Ethics: A Pilot study at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research. IJUDH 2013;3(4):30-36 
  50. Ahmad A. Damburst of Emotion. IJUDH. 2013;3(4):81-83  
  51. Ahmad A. Epilepsy: Clinical Considerations in Women of Childbearing Age. BJMS 2013;12(4):364-69 
  52. Khan S, Hassan MJ, Jetley S, Jairajpuri Z, Ahmad A. Endometrial Ossification Following Repeated Spontaneous Abortions. Iranian Journal of Pathology.2013;8 (2): 127 – 130 
  53. Khan T, Gupta M, Ahmad I, Ahmad A, Zeba A. Evaluation of Misoprostol in Medical Management of Abortion. Indian Medical Gazette. 2012;1:365-371  
  54. Bharti R, Sharma M, Harsha G, Vrijesh T, Ahmad A. Evaluation of Maternal and Fetal Outcome in Pregnancy with Congenital Heart Disease. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2012;3(4): 246-49.  
  55. Ahmad A, Zia S, Khan T. Busting Myths: A Profile of Sexual Assault Cases. Journal of Medical College Chandigarh. 2012;2(2):32-34 
  56. Rabbani TK, Kaushik R, Ahmad A, Ali M. A Comparative Study Of Action Line In Traditional Partograph With The Modified W.H.O. Partograph, J. Of U.P. Chapter of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.2010;1:82-84. ISSN-09759441 
  57. Ahmad A, Rabbani TK, Minocha B, Dewan R, Thukral BB, Suman. The Role Of Low Dose Mifepristone On The Medical Management Of Uterine Leiomyomas. J. Of U.P. Chapter of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.2010;1: 45-47. ISSN-09759441 
  58. Rabbani TK. Ahmad A. Pregnant Women and Novel Influenza A virus (H1N1): Considerations for Clinicians. JSAFOG. September 2010 
  59. Rabbani TK, Ahmad A. Intrapartum Amnioinfusion In Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid: An Update. South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2010;2(3):187-189. ISSN-0974-8938, 0975-1920 
  60. Ahmad A, Suman, Bharti R. Preconceptional Counselling-An Emerging Concept In Prenatal Care. Bulletin of AOGD. 2010; 9(12):13-14 
  61. Dabral A, Ahmad A, Yadav S. Revised FIGO Staging For Carcinoma Of The Vulva, Cervix And Endometrium. Bulletin of AOGD. 2009; 9(4):16-17 
Chapters in Books
  1. Ahmad A., Khan T. Digital Health in Women’s Care. In: Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Evangel publishing. 1st edition. [2021] ISBN: 9789390616008. Ed: Nigam A, Kriplani A, Tripathi R, Rajaram S, Malik S and Saxena P. 
  2. Kumari A, Ahmad A. Chapter: Pathophysiology of Post partum Haemorrhage. In: Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage. A Practical Perspective. Ed: Nigam A, Saxena P. p.15-22 
  3. Khan T, Puri R, Ahmad A. Cephalopelvic Disproportion. Chapter 24. In: Donald School: Manual of Practical Problems in Obstetrics (pb)2012. Editor Narender Malhotra. ISBN 9789350257821. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd. 
  4. Ahmad A, Mohammad F, Ahmad M. Polymers in Medicine. Chapter 10. P357-396. In: Specialty Polymers Materials and Applications. Ed Faiz Mohammad I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd 
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Dr. Ayesha Ahmad, a distinguished medical professional, stands at the forefront of obstetrics and gynecology,

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Cirriculum Vitae

Dr. Ayesha Ahmad, a distinguished medical professional, stands at the forefront of obstetrics and gynecology,



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Saambhavi, Nishad S, Kumari S, Khatoon F, Ahmad A, Gupta U. Association of primary dysmenorrhea with body mass index. Int J Acad



Indian Medical Association Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi North Zone, Royal College of Obstetricians