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Address : Era’s Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Sarfarazganj, Hardoi Road, Lucknow-226003

Pregnancy Care
First three months:We recommend that you have your first pregnancy visit when your pregnancy test becomes positive after you miss your periods. We will assess you, and advise the required investigations which could include blood and urine tests and ultrasound scans. This period can be trying for the expecting mother because of the change in physiology from non pregnant to pregnant. The body goes through immense changes during this period and you may experience drowsiness, irritability, nausea, vomiting, altered taste sensation, fatigue and excessive urination. These problems which might seem insurmountable, can be managed successfully to a large extent with multidisciplinary care. Our team will help you tide over this initial phase. We screen for chromosomal disorders like Down syndrome around the time 11 to 13 weeks 6 days from when you had your last periods. We also calculate your risk of having high blood pressure later on in pregnancy at this time. In case your chances are higher than average, you might need to take some daily medicine to reduce this risk. It is therefore important to consult early to keep within this time frame.
Next three months:
During this period, the mother feels better. Many of the initial symptoms of morning sickness and fatigue decrease. She is ready to start prophylactic iron supplementation now. Our dietician will assess your diet for any nutritional requirements. This phase is important because we do a special scan for the baby called as TIFFA scan [targeted imaging for fetal anomalies]. This scan is directed to see how the baby has developed till now. Uncommonly, some structural defects may also be picked up at this scan. In case this happens, we will help you deciding the best solutions for your situation. We also screen and assess the risk of preterm labour at this stage. In case your risk is higher than average, you might need some medicines to decrease your risk. Rarely, a small stitch at the cervix may be advised.
Last three months:
This is the time when you and your baby start gaining weight rapidly. You would be requiring frequent visits to the clinic, sometimes fortnightly and later on weekly. There will be many queries in your mind regarding labour and delivery, growth and movements of baby and your own increasing fatigue and breathlessness. We will take you through multiple discussions about the different modes of delivery, painless labor and preparation for childbirth. We will be performing growth scans and fetal Dopplers to assess how your baby is growing and what is the blood flow in various blood vessels of womb and the baby
When should prenatal care begin during pregnancy?
Prenatal care should ideally begin as soon as you know you’re pregnant, typically in the first trimester.
How often should I have prenatal check-ups?
The frequency of check-ups varies, but they are generally more frequent in the first and third trimesters.
What tests are typically performed during prenatal care?
outine tests include blood pressure monitoring, blood tests, and ultrasounds to monitor the baby’s development.